How to Enroll

Health Net continues to update available plans for County of Santa Clara employees. This includes the Health Net SELECT Point-of-Service (POS) health plan option. Please visit the Plan Details page to read about the plan benefits and coverage details that are right for you!

Some POS plan basics

When you enroll in a POS plan, you need to choose a participating physician group (PPG) and then a primary care physician (PCP) within that PPG. Follow the instructions of your employer group. Each covered family member can choose his or her own PCP and PPG to suit their needs. Also, your covered dependents may self-refer to an OB/GYN who is part of their chosen medical group.

You get the choice of three benefit levels in a POS plan:

  • HMO
  • PPO
  • Out-of-network

You are required to have a PPG and a PCP. However, you can choose to use your HMO, PPO or out-of-network benefits at your time of service. Please consult your Evidence of Coverage for all details.