Provider Search

Find a Provider

With ProviderSearch, you’ll quickly find the most up-to-date listings of qualified in-network doctors, urgent care centers, hospitals, and other types of health care providers near your home or work.

  1. Launch the Provider Search tool.
  2. Enter a location (street address, city, county, or state).
  3. Further narrow your search by Plan/Network and select one of the following:
    • HMO Members, select HMO - Full Network Large Group
    • CA PPO Members, select PPO – Large Group / Small Group
    • Out-of-State PPO Members, select National PPO – Cigna Healthcare PPO Network
  4. Select a type of provider (doctor, hospital, medical group, etc.) to get your results.
  5. Finally, you can choose Print Results to print your search results.

Urgent Care Centers – The right choice?

You'll want to visit an urgent care center when your condition is serious but not life-threatening. With wait times in California emergency rooms averaging 164 minutes,1 urgent care centers (UCC) can save you time and money, and are staffed by physicians. They are also useful when you are out of your main service area.2 Use the ProviderSearch tool to find your nearest UCC.

If you feel that you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 immediately or go to the nearest ER.

Not sure what to do? Call our Nurse Advice Line

Receive timely access to registered nurses for help with everyday health questions – 24/7. You can get help with a number of health issues, such as, how to care for minor injuries and illnesses and advising on seeking medical care. Just call the phone number on your member ID card.

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Get cost estimates

Log in to your Health Net member account to get estimates of your costs for medical procedures and services ahead of time. Compare these costs at different providers to make more informed choices.

1 Source:
2 Refer to your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) document for benefit and coverage information pertaining to urgent care services.